Thursday, June 18, 2009

Through a child's eyes

Steve, Cass and I recently went to Omaha, NE for his cousin's wedding. While we were there we went to the zoo and it was amazing!! It is so fun to see the world through a 6 year old's eyes and try to understand the fascination of EVERYTHING! From penguins, to jellyfish, to the goats at the petting zoo. We didn't get to stay very long but everywhere we went Cass wanted to stop and look and take everything in. I know she is pretty pokey most of the time but it's nice sometimes because she gets me to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. (She's still working on Steve in that department, though) Kids are just amazing...

We'll give this another shot...

Ok, as you can see, I have tried this before and didn't make it very far. I am going to try this again and see if I can get this going a keep it up. Most of you know I am not the best communicator and even worse at writing so it could be interesting! I figure if my 8 year old niece can do it, so can I!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My best friend...

Back in March, Cassidy and I lost our best friend Wade. He was one of the best things that ever came into our lives with his sense of humor, his love of life, and the best of times together. He will always be loved and missed!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008